This amusing picture appears to show a gymnast with a ball for a head. Obviously, her head is hidden below the ball, so this is just an optical illusion. But it appears really spooky at first! The observant photographer at the scene captured this amusing picture at the perfect moment.

One more ballhead
There appears to be a pattern with this! This basketball player’s head resembles a ball as well. Perhaps we were simply unaware of this new fashion trend when it first emerged. There’s no way this is a coincidence, can there? How do you feel? Next summer, would you pull off the bullhead look?

A little taste
This image had us laughing aloud. This basketball player appears to be licking the other player’s armpit for an unexplained reason. We have no idea why he’s doing this or even sticking his tongue out in the first place. Still, it does make for a funny photo!

Because you’re worth it
The way this athlete has flipped his hair back and is casually spritzing it with his water bottle makes him look like he’s modelling for a L’Oréal commercial. This athlete must be experiencing extreme heat in order to want to cool off, but the method he’s using… His female fans must have thought that was really attractive.

What is it that these swimmers are so astonished by, you wonder? Perhaps they are demonstrating the size of a gigantic fish they discovered underwater to the folks outside the pool. It’s possible that they recently learned that they had won the competition or that water is, in fact, wet.

Number two
What about this swimmer? What on earth is he doing, you ask? What is he cannonballing? Or perhaps he simply needs to go to number two. His expression suggests that he is tensing every muscle in his body. Maybe he’s considering a move to sumo wrestling! Whatever it is, the photo turns out to be very funny.

water surface
This picture appears quite bizarre. The swimmer is rising to the surface of the water, but not quite breaking through the surface tension. His features are encircled by water, resembling slime or jelly, giving the impression that he is an alien from science fiction hibernating. The image would have looked entirely different if it had been captured just one second later. The illusion would have vanished and the water’s surface would have fractured.

This foot
One of the swimmers in this amusing photo is attempting to support the swimmer at the top by helping her stay upright. But the one at the top is taken aback by the unexpected apparition of a foot close to her delicate areas. It makes for a well-timed and humorous image.

Ice skating
This ice skater is currently skating across the ice after falling off her male partner’s shoulders. on her countenance. The flying ice particles give it a really dramatic appearance. Though we hope she’s okay, we can’t deny that this must have stung. It does appear somewhat comical.

Protecting his son
The incredible quick thinking of this basketball fan has just spared his son from an unpleasant surprise. If it weren’t for his father, the son—who seems to have been transfixed to his smartphone—was about to take a baseball bat to the face. We’re happy that this picture was captured since we know that the family will always cherish this experience.

Filter or not
This American runner’s perfectly timed photo appears to have been altered with a Snapchat filter. But this is his own face, really. Both the angle and the man’s running speed are to blame for the optical illusion. We assure you that his nose is not adhered to his top lip.

Wrong ball
When he positioned his legs between his opponent’s legs, the football player lunged for the wrong ball. And it’s clear from the opponent’s expression that he gave it his all. He appears to have kicked him off the ground with great force. However, the photo was taken at the ideal moment, which is why we have it in this collection.

Lounging in the air
This pole vaulter made the decision to rest and regain her strength. She just did it while in midair. Although this isn’t truly the case, this well-timed picture makes it appear that way. She’s headed straight up the pole, possibly even breaking a record. Fantastic work!

Legs everywhere
This bizarre picture was shot during a footvolley match, which mixes volleyball and soccer components. While the other player defends, one of the players is attacking. They appear to have legs everywhere, which is what makes this picture so funny. To be able to move them in these directions, they needed to be incredibly flexible!

Prepare for impact
As she hit the sand, one athlete was seen bracing for impact. Though her face is completely prepped for the impending avalanche, you can already see the sand starting to rise. We found this amusing picture to be really entertaining because it was taken at the ideal moment.

This couple was giving their best ice skating performance. Everything went smoothly. Somersaults and pirouettes—all the wild athletic manoeuvres. However, after one of the photographers captured this image, that was the only thing anyone recalled about their performance. He saw an opportunity to peek beneath the woman’s skirt at the perfect moment.

Left behind
On the track, it’s survival of the fittest. One of the hurdlers can be seen in the above photo falling face first to the ground after failing to clear the hurdle. The other athletes spotted their opportunity to pass him by without pausing for thought. It’s a quite depressing picture. The poor hurdler.

One more
Recall the picture from a few slides back in which the swimmer was propped up in her private area by one foot? Evidently, it occurs more frequently. This is another view of the unpleasant surprise this swimmer got when floating above the sea.

Fearful of the ball
Either this is some sort of horror movie where the ball is attacking the basketball player, or this basketball player was very horrified that he dropped the ball. Whatever the reason, it’s hilarious to watch someone who deals with these balls on a daily basis become afraid of them.

Certain angles simply don’t seem very attractive. When the photographer decided to take a picture, the athlete had just finished pole vaulting and hit the mat. It wasn’t a very flattering picture for the athlete, unfortunately. There must have been better photos of her really jumping over the high bar and possibly breaking a record!

The Baseball killer
Speaking of being afraid of the ball… Additionally, this seems to be a horror arthouse film in which a baseball begins exacting retribution on players who play professional baseball. Could you picture the player scurrying off with the ball? This image is very funny. Naturally, this isn’t the actual situation, but without a little imagination, what would life be like?

Give it to me
This athlete appears to be using an unidentified strategy, whereby she is currently playing inverted. She appears to be demanding that the ball be delivered to her. The courtside photographer perfectly timed this humorous snap, and we’re happy to have it here today!

A baseball bat swung in the face
Do you recall the picture from a few slides ago, where the father shielded his son’s face from a baseball bat strike? Indeed, this guy wasn’t as fortunate. He appeared to be totally absorbed in the game when all of a sudden a baseball hat was thrown in his direction. It seemed to have hurt, so we hope he’s all right.

Funny face
Since lifting large weights is difficult, no one will be offended if you make some very amusing expressions while working out. Even yet, it’s hilarious to focus in on weightlifters’ faces as they attempt to set a personal record. This humorous photo captures the essence of this man giving it all.

Lost the catch
A baseball was struck towards this father and his daughter as they were watching a baseball game. The girl went for the catch with bravery but failed to reach at the cost of Dad’s beverage. The baseball struck his glass with such force that it sprayed the two of them. We’re happy that this amusing incident was captured on camera!

“This is my face of concentration.”
This swimming pair was prepared to demonstrate to the judges the true quality of their performance. The sportsperson appears to be fully committed as they stand on one other’s shoulders. This is clear from the amusing expression of complete focus on her face in this photo. We’re hoping they emerged victorious!

Wrong ball
Another example of a football player attempting to reach the incorrect ball. On this occasion, though, the ball is near, and the player was simply too late—or perhaps too early—to intervene. Naturally, the athlete wearing number 9 is in excruciating pain, so that makes no difference to him. Oh, poor him.

Slime monster
This professional swimmer’s amusing shot seems like it belongs in a classic horror film, such as The Creature of the Black Lagoon. Her appearance is enhanced by the shimmering water, and the expression on her face is like to that of a zombie.

This sportsperson is attempting a cannonball. He has a humorous expression on his face. When you see divers perform in real time, they often appear to be as graceful as a swan, but when you capture images of them while they are diving, that all changes. We hope that he didn’t hit the water too hard because that would not be good for his expression.

Excitement overload
This athlete is passionate about gymnastics. Her gaze towards the equipment she is jumping towards is telling you something. Have you ever witnessed someone so enthused and committed to something? This is what sets professional athletes apart from the rest of us. We’re happy that this amusing picture caught it.

Tennis ball incoming
The horrifying image of a tennis ball heading directly towards this player’s face strikes her out of the blue. What do you suppose transpired? Was it too late, or had she missed her chance to preserve it? It must have left a horrible bruise if that is the case. We’re hoping she did it well.

What a face
In actuality, we have no idea what’s going on in this image. Although this shot put competitor appears to be holding the ball in his hand, his expression betrays otherwise. His face appears as though it was struck by one of those heavy balls with full force. Or perhaps the sportsperson was just spinning really quickly.

Rising her to the heavens
The ice skater at the bottom appears to have been prepared to launch his companion into the sky. She seemed terrified of something, though, and didn’t like what she saw there. Whatever is going on, it makes for a hilarious photo, which we are happy to have captured!